Review of Circle Campground at Emily Provincial Park Review
3 Star Rating3 out of 5 stars
  great campsite, so-so everything else
Reviewed on June 19th, 2020
we stayed at campsite #214 for 2 nights, 3 days, one of the most private on the whole campground. the site was nice, private, and secluded (just what we wanted). there were 6 of us on the site, and it was large and open so it worked well. The only problems we had on the site was the wardens. We understand they are doing what they can to make our stay safe, but they just ended up bothering us. We saw them 3 times a day, seeing what we were doing, checking our ID's to make sure we were all registered at the front, and twice to tell us to clean up our site (a few garbage bags we had to take down but couldnt because we were drinking). apart from that, the beach area wasnt bad, it was very small, and only suitable for children, and the river was nice. you can rent canoes and go down it, I highly reccomend. I would stay there again, but you have to be aware of everything you and your party is doing, just so you don't get a ticking off from the wardens.
This review has been viewed 135 times.
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