State Reservoir InformationPatoka Lake State Reservoir | |     (No Ratings Yet) | 3084 N Dillard Rd | Birdseye, Indiana 47513 | United States | (812) 685-2464 | Unknown | | | Description | With 26,000 acres of land and water, Patoka Lake is a fine example of lake ecology. An 8,800-acre lake provides habitat for freshwater jellyfish and bald eagle nesting sites. River otters and osprey were reintroduced at Patoka by the DNR.
The property is home to one of only two resident, non-releasable bald eagles at a DNR state park or reservoir. The eagle was acquired in 2013. An earlier eagle called C52 lived at Patoka Lake from 1988 until he died in 2009. Learn more about the Patoka Lake Raptor Center and inhabitants.
The property’s Interpretive Services staff presents programs and special events featuring the reconstructed Moery Cabin, a non-releasable red-tailed hawk, bald eagle, Eastern screech owl and other natural and cultural history features of the area. Programs on kayaking, Dutch oven cooking and other outdoor skills are also offered.
The lake is located just south of the historic towns of French Lick and West Baden, and just east of historic Jasper. | | | | Campground Stats | Campground Areas: 2 | Campsites: 367 | Photos: 0 | Reviews: 0 | Views: 132 | Likes: 0 |
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Amenities No information available. |
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