Five Easy Steps for Submitting Photos
Earn some extra money when you are camping. Use your phone to take and submit photos! Earn up to $0.50 per photo.

Guy and Girl Enjoying Camping
Photographing Nature
Canoe Ride in the Canadian Rockies

1. Take Photos
Step #1 is the fun part! What could be more fun than going outdoors and taking photos? But before you do, please note the following photo requirements and recommendations.

By submitted photos, you give permission to use the photos for the website and marketing purposes.
  • Cell phone photos are perfectly acceptable as long as they also meet the other requirements listed here.
  • Photos must be at least 640 x 480 in resolution for landscape, or 480 x 640 for portrait. (most cameras and cell phones already do this)
  • There is a 12 MB maximum file size limit. (mostly applicable for only high-end cameras)
  • Photos need to be jpg format. (check the file extension) iPhone users can set/check this by going to Settings > Camera > Formats. Make sure it's set to 'Most Compatible'
  • The photos must accurately represent the campground, campground area, or campsite for which you are submitting.
  • Do not submit any explicit, suggestive, offensive, or improper photos.
  • The photo should be one that you took with your own camera or cell phone and not from the campground's website.
  • Photos should not be blurry.
  • Campsite photos should be of vacant sites, or sites with no vehicles, license plates, or people.

  • Recommendations
  • Good photos of campgrounds will include signs, buildings, amenities, attractions, scenery, playgrounds, swimming areas, and any other points of interest.
  • Landscape photos are preferred over portrait style.
  • Widescreen shots are welcomed and encouraged.

  • The best way to take photos of campsites is to:
    1. Take a photo of the campsite's identifying sign.
    2. Step back and take an overview shot of the whole campsite and its surroundings.
    3. Walk into the campsite and take shots from different angles. Be sure to capture items of interest such as the fire pit, picnic table, and tent area.
    4. If the site is rather large, try to keep a pivot point in each of your shots such as the fire pit or picnic table so viewers can visualize how the campsite is laid out.

    Your camera or cell phone should keep photos in the order of when you took them.
  • To upload your photos, simply use the photo of the campsite sign you took from step 1 and submit the photos for that site until you reach a photo of the next campsite sign. Now repeat the steps again for that campsite.

  • Close-up shots of just a campsite sign may not get approved.
  • However, it will likely get approved if the sign is clearly visible in part of the photo and the campsite and some of its surroundings are also in the photo.

  • 2. Login to

    Now that you have some great photos, let's get ready to submit them. If want to donate your photo, you can skip to step #3. Otherwise you will need a free account and be logged in. If you don't have an account yet, you can create one here. Make sure you are logged in and then proceed to step #3.

    3. Select Your photos

    To upload your photo, browse to the Park/Campground, Campground Area, or Campsite using the navigation on the top of the site. Under the Photos section, you will see an option to upload your photos. Next, click the 'Upload Photos' button and select the photos from your cell phone or computer. You can select and upload multiple photos at once! You can also enter in a caption to describe your photo(s).

    4. Choose your Compensation
    If you are logged in, you will get 2 compensation options to choose from:

    We greatly appreciate donated photos! Donations help the community by providing content, keep our operating costs down, and keeps the website online.

    Earn some extra money on your travels by selecting Payment. While it's a small fortune, it can quickly add up! All campgrounds are eligible for the payment option as long as they are legitimate and established campgrounds that can be verified. Campground owners are not eligible to receive payments for photos submitted of their own campground. Amounts earned will show up in your account after photos have been approved. Balances will be paid out at the begining of each month through PayPal. To see compensation rates, select the country you are from and click the button below. Please note that rates may change so be sure to check this page for the latest rates.

    Country You Are From     

    5. Click Upload

    Finally, click the Upload button. After you click Upload, it could take a minute or two to upload the file(s). Be patient and keep an eye on your browser's progress bar. Please note that once you submit a photo, it will not appear on the campground or campsite page until after it has been reviewed and approved. Have fun!

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