Review of Whitefish Lake Provincial Park Review
4 Star Rating4 out of 5 stars
  Beautiful, Mature Campground but Poorly Managed
Reviewed on June 19th, 2020
We recently camped at Whitefish Lake campground for a seven night stay. The campground is very beautiful, the lake is not huge but it is not small. There is good fishing in the lake. The only down side to camping at Whitefish Lake, and it's only a down side if you are one who actually tries to abide by rules and etiquette of a campground, is that there is no visible supervision of the campground. Because of the lack of supervision, there are some campers who simply do as they please whenever they please. On our most recent visit, those in the neighbouring campsite ended up with no fewer than three vehicles parked at their site and one parked at a neighbouring site, they had a camper and two tents and they had two dogs running off-leash. Their buddies at a nearby campsite had two more vehicles there, a camper and a tent. The campers also would frequently carry on a yelling conversation from one side of the camping area to the other...very rude and disturbing. Because there was no visible supervision in the campground, there was nothing done about this situation so it just made for a less enjoyable situation for everyone in the vicinity. Other than this, the only negative aspect to camping at Whitefish Lake is that you really should bring your own firewood as the wood they provide is mostly rotten black poplar that doesn't burn very well at all...or NOT at all.
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