Review of Lighthouse County Park Review
Kelly L.
3 Star Rating3 out of 5 stars
  Very popular place
Reviewed on July 27th, 2020
The Good: Very popular place. Everyone raves about the staff. Anyone who comes here loves it. We are used to a little more privacy. Its clean. The Bad: It's basically a grass covered treeless parking lot with as many jammed in as possible. My neighbors tents were touching our camper. Even with everyone trying to be quiet, you could hear everyone's conversation dogs and radios. I felt very uncomfortable. Also, the no refund policy means people don't show up instead of cancelling so no one else can use that spot. It would be better to do like state parks where cancellations go from full to half to none depending on how close to the date you are.
This review has been viewed 197 times.
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