Review of Fosston City Campground Review
Jason M.
3 Star Rating3 out of 5 stars
  the Price is Right!
Reviewed on June 19th, 2020
Passing through on US-2 and looking for a place to camp for the night; we spotted a sign advertising camping for $5 (non-electric) and stopped at the campground to have a look. Not really a vacation destination, but the perfect place to stay for the night while on your way. the campground is really just a dozen or so serviced sites (all sites have electricity, you pay more if you hook up) along the edges of the municipal property. There are shade trees but no real privacy. There a single washroom and another room with a shower. That's all for facilities there. And bring cash, it's the envelop/honors system for payment. The one downside is that this site is also the public works yard, so there were heavy vehicles coming and going early the next morning. That was okay with us since we needed to get up and get going. Other than that, it was a quite night and a good sleep.
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