Unknown | Wolf Run State park is in great need of maintenance & updating. | Reviewed on June 19th, 2020 | Wolf Run St Pk has very shallow open unlevel sites, no privacy. Sites were clean. Cherry Trail was nice. Other trails were overgrown and ended abruptly, encountered ticks in the high grasses on the unmaintained lake trail. The outhouses are the worst I've seen in 50+ years of camping. No lids on toilets, no doors to outhouse & there seems to be absolutely no treatment of excrement in pits, therefore flies & bugs are unbearable. The smell extends far into the campground. Horrendous! There is a port-a-potty at the picnic ground that is a highly recommended alternative and well worth the drive.The Ohio State Parks pamphlet & Wolf Creek pamphlet indicate a Nature Center. I asked the woman in the park entrance booth & she said it was a brown building just up the road. When I told her I looked but couldn't locate it, she then offered up that it is no longer open. I found the broken down building that was a bit larger than an outhouse, a disappointment as I go to parks with nature centers for my grand kids. When reserving a site on Reserve America there were many sites with no pictures or specs on shade & site length. That should have been a red flag. I gave a 2-star rating only because the lake is beautiful & I imagine excellent for boaters. I would not return to this campground. | | | This review has been viewed 96 times. |