Campsite is a hike in site located in a cluster of other sites off a main loop of the campground. Site is surprisingly large and backs up to the lake. There is a path you can walk but it is very steep and overgrown in some parts. Can easily fit 2-3 tents comfortably in the site, limited view of others so great if you are looking for privacy. Good balance of sun and shade. If you car camp or have a lot of stuff (we are a family of 5 with young kids and dogs) bring a wagon to save your back hauling everything. Parking is very tight and worthwhile to say hi to your neighbors in case you need some help getting around cars in the small lot. We brought our own toilet but drop toilets are an easy walk as is the water fountain. One complaint is the trails to the sites look like walking trails so occasionally people show up thinking they can get to the lake. Worthwhile to bring your camp sign or some lights to mark your entrance as a campsite not a path.